Technical Committee

About Technical Committee

Elevating the technical and technological performance of the AFA to benefit all members and facilitating their operations for a greater performance.


Meet Our Technical Committee Member


Discover Our Latest Publications

Driving Industry Excellence

Technical Committee Vision & Mission


Technical Committee Vision

Elevating health, safety, and environmental standards for all members of the Arab Fertilizer Association and disseminating its culture to safeguard human welfare and contribute to the achievement of sustainable development in the fertilizer sector.


Technical Committee Mission

To advocate for innovation, sustainability, and excellence in the fertilizers industry through science-based solutions, technical expertise, standardization, advocacy, promoting best responsible practices, and fostering knowledge exchange that optimize productivity, environmental stewardship, and socioeconomic development in the Arab world leading to the contribution for global food security as well as addressing critical challenges related to the industry.


Technical Committee Objectives

Strategic Research

Conducting and identifying strategic studies relevant to the fertilizer industry to ensure innovation and growth.

Benchmarking & Standards

Developing benchmarks and principles for assessing the conditions of AFA members, including management, operations, safety, and environmental alignment with global standards.

Information & Knowledge Sharing

Issuing comprehensive reports and technical studies to support AFA’s information center with up-to-date technical insights and topics.

Sustainability & Occupational Safety

Promoting sustainability and enhancing occupational health standards to ensure the well-being of employees and the environment.


Meet Our Technical Committee Members

The technical committee members is formed of one representative from each company of active members









Vice Chairman




Vice Chairman


Mohamed Kamar

Committee Reporter

Technical Director

Arab Fertilizer Association


Mohamed Kamar

Committee Reporter

Arab Fertilizer Association


About Publication

Publish exclusive periodicals and reports on the Arab fertilizer industry, highlighting member companies, regional achievements, and industry insights. These publications provide valuable resources and updates for members through AFA activities and events.

Market Outlook
Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
Role of Ammonia as a Hydrogen Carrier for Energy Transition