About Media

About Media Workgroup

AFA acknowledges the significant importance of media policies and communications strategic planning within institutions. This pivotal role involves the active engagement with the challenges encountered by various organizations, emphasizing the media’s effectiveness in fostering awareness and education. Consequently, it highlights the imperative of concentrating efforts on the collaboration between member companies and diverse affiliated institutions.


Meet Our Media Workgroup


Discover Our Latest Publications

Driving Industry Excellence

Media Workgroup Vision & Mission


Media Vision

Ensuring the continuous commitment of AFA members to enhance the image of the Arab fertilizer industry among both Arab and international media outlets, emphasizing its vital role in front of policymakers and relevant organizations, and highlighting the objectives, activities, and events of the AFA to propel it towards new horizons.


Media Mission

Sharing information and news related to all aspects of the fertilizer industry, including manufacturing, marketing, agriculture, and all related aspects while, highlighting the significant role played by the Arab fertilizer sector. Emphasizing their contribution to addressing hunger and achieving regional and international food security. Additionally, showcasing their efforts in engaging with international institutions and organizations.


Media Objectives

Strategic Media Planning

Developing and planning effective media strategies to support organizational goals.

Addressing Industry Challenges

Engaging with and overcoming challenges facing the fertilizer industry through informed communication efforts.

Awareness & Education

Taking responsibility for spreading awareness and providing educational content to stakeholders.

Media Policy Advocacy

Emphasizing the importance of media policies within member companies to enhance communication efficiency.


Meet Our Media Workgroups

The media work group members is formed of one representative from each company of active members









Vice Chairman




Vice Chairman


Mohamed Nagy

Work Group Reporter

Work Group Reporter

Arab Fertilizer Association


Mohamed Nagy

Work Group Reporter

Arab Fertilizer Association


About Publication

Publish exclusive periodicals and reports on the Arab fertilizer industry, highlighting member companies, regional achievements, and industry insights. These publications provide valuable resources and updates for members through AFA activities and events.

Market Outlook
Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
Role of Ammonia as a Hydrogen Carrier for Energy Transition